Our Mission
Your Daily Miracle
is a social movement dedicated to providing basic essentials and wellness resources for those struggling with homelessness and the most vulnerable to help validate their dignity in society.
Our Purpose
To empower those struggling with homelessness with daily miracles covering their essential needs and
access to wellness resources.
Reminding those experiencing homelessness of their
DIGNITY, value, and
place in society.
The Problem
Today in the U.S., about 17 people per 10,000 experience homelessness each day. That’s more than half a million, and about 2.4% will die every year to homelessness.
In New York City alone, it has one-fifth of all the U.S. sheltered homeless population.
As complex as the state of homelessness has been in our country, with an increased trend of those struggling in recent years, overall progress has only been modest. Therefore, ending homelessness doesn't happen with one broad stroke policy change or simplfying by housing or feeding those struggling.
We need to empower those most vulnerable to lead a better life.
Your Daily Miracle invites every individual into this movement to pass on a miracle of providing basic universal needs that restore the dignity of those struggling with homelessness. We believe in miracles, of every size. And the power of each miracle to change lives.
The Facts
* Nationwide homelessness has been trending upwards since 2019.
* The largest cohort experiencing homelessness are individuals, making up 70% across the country.
* New York City has one-fifth of all the U.S. sheltered homeless population.
* More than 20% of NYC residents are struggling with food insecurity and dignity issues.
* The pandemic has driven a surge in the rate of homelessness among single adults in New York City, coupled with a tsunami of events such as closing of shelters and people losing their jobs putting them on a brink of homelessness.
* The harsh reality is that only modest progress has been made to improving the state of homelessness in the country. And, it has reached an all time high in New York City, a palpable experience every New Yorker can witness.
The Solution
When we think of helping those experiencing homelessness, our immediate thought is to provide food, clothes and shelter, which are absolutely essential and what so many other organizations do so well.
Often what’s overlooked though in supporting and truly empowering those struggling with homelessness is to provide ways to validate their dignity.
It is our human right to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of our circumstances. A key underpinning of the work at Your Daily Miracle is to ensure that every individual who is experiencing homelessness feels a validation or restoration of their dignity.
Your Daily Miracle is committed to this effort by providing access to wellness, hygienic and health needs such as showers, haircuts and first aid kits. These simple necessities of cleanliness are necessary to help those struggling with homelessness to restore their self worth, self love and self respect to face the world and feel seen.